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About Us

Mead Family Law

With over 40 years of combined experience, Mead Family Law works hard to support people navigating the intricacies of family law. Our team is dedicated to providing personalised service, understanding that every family law matter is unique. Our priority? Guiding you through one of life’s most challenging times with expert advice and support.

A Tailored Approach for Every Individual

At Mead Family Law, we know that no two cases are the same. We take the time to listen, to understand, and to tailor an outcome that is both efficient and cost-effective.

Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolutions

We recognise and understand the emotional and financial toll that litigation can take. We prioritise alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation and arbitration, whenever practicable. We look for agreement on issues, whether as part of negotiation or as part of a Court process.

Supporting You Beyond Just Legalities

Ending a relationship can be one of life’s most taxing experiences. It can involve intense feelings and very specific anxieties. We are here to offer the legal guidance and support you need during these difficult times.


Child Support and Maintenance

Offering comprehensive assistance in spousal support and child maintenance areas.

Property Settlements

Handling all aspects of property division, from the identification and valuation of assets, negotiation, agreement or trial.

Parenting Matters

Navigating parenting disputes, drafting plans, agreements, and assisting with inter-state or international relocations.

Family Violence

We can assist with all aspects of Family Violence Orders.

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The Path Forward can be Clear

Embarking on a legal journey can be daunting. Let the experienced team at Mead Family Law be your experts. Contact us today and determine a clear path forward.